
In an article detailing the sale of the recently-announced and long-awaited third installment in Vin Diesel and David Twohy's Riddick series, THR has revealed a few new details on the project.? Here's what they have to say:

Though billed as a back-to-basics approach to the character popularized by Diesel, the script features the character -- the most wanted man in the galaxy -- left for dead on a barren alien planet, dealing with "trisons" (three-legged bisons) and "mud demons." He must then contend with two squads of bounty hunters, one of which ride rockets called jetcycles.

Riddick versus monsters and bounty hunters is definitely the basics and removed from the silly necromonger-plot of the second film.? I don't need prison planets or sun planets or planets of the dead.? I need a bad-ass anti-hero and that's why my favorite moment in The Chronicles of Riddick is "I'm going to kill you with my teacup."