
  • Come to Daddy is a dark comedy thriller exploring dysfunctional father-son dynamics creatively.
  • The film's low-budget setting intensifies the characters' emotional rawness, making it authentic.
  • Elijah Wood gives an eccentric lead performance in Come to Daddy as music producer Norval Greenwood who is in search of his father.

While there are tons of frightening horror movies that revolve around masked killers, vengeful spirits, and otherworldly creatures, the films that truly terrify are often those that address universal fears, such as grief and loss. These types of horror movies represent how the things that we find the most daunting and fearful are often the most ubiquitous and realistic, offering some guidance about coping with existential anxieties. Familial legacy and sensitive masculinity are critical themes within director Ant Timpson’s highly underrated dark comedy thriller Come to Daddy. By inverting the premise of a standard “cabin in the woods” style slasher film, Come to Daddy analyzes a dysfunctional father-son relationship. Despite the weightiness of the premise, Come to Daddy is not nearly as miserable as it may seem; the film incorporates more than a few hilarious inventive death scenes and features an uncharacteristically eccentric lead performance from Elijah Wood. However, the more earnest depiction of a strained parental relationship allows Come to Daddy to be more than just an exercise in style. There is an authentic feel throughout the film which is understandable as Timpson drew from his own trauma to create the themes of Come to Daddy.


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Come to Daddy
Release Date
April 25, 2019
96 Minutes
Ant Timpson
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    Stephen McHattie
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    Michael Smiley
  • Cast Placeholder Image
    Madeleine Sami



Centers on a young man's journey to reconnect with his long-lost father, leading to unexpected and darkly comedic twists when family secrets and true intentions are unveiled in a remote cabin.

Toby Harvard
Main Genre
Scythia Films, Firefly Films, Blinder Films, Saban Films, New Zealand Film Commission

What Is ‘Come to Daddy’ About?

Come to Daddy centers on the highly pretentious music producer Norval Greenwood (Wood), who has denied his humble origins in favor of a more elaborate lifestyle in Beverly Hills. Despite his success, Norval ends up trekking out into a secluded cabin to reunite with a man who claims to be his father (Stephen McHattie). What begins as a series of awkward conversations grows more dire when the man dies unexpectedly, leaving Norval to look after the corpse. Come to Daddy quickly turns its premise on its head through a case of deceptive identity. After analyzing a series of family pictures, Norval realizes the man who died was an imposter named Gordon; his real father, Brian (Martin Donovan), has been hiding beneath the cabin in an underground bunker.

While it ultimately descends into a work of violent body horror, Come to Daddy creates dark humor by analyzing awkward family interactions. Norval is an engaging character because he is clearly trying to use his current success in California as a means of justifying his unhappy childhood. While he initially hopes that detailing his experience to Gordon will finally earn him the respect that he desires, he’s shocked and upset when the man claiming to be his father dismisses his achievements. McHattie’s crude, blunt line delivery may be played for laughs, but the devastating effect that it has on Norval is evident. The awkwardness continues upon the revelation regarding Brian’s real identity; Norval is so flummoxed by the situation that he barely has time to consider the new opportunity he has to prove himself to his father.

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The premise is more than a little unusual, but Come to Daddy succeeds thanks to a quirky performance from Wood. Although he may have attained international stardom due to his role as Frodo Baggins in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Wood is often at his best when he’s playing offbeat weirdos. There was potential for Norval to be a very grating protagonist whose wealth and privilege make him obnoxious, but Wood is able to expose the character’s vulnerability; it becomes evident that the snarky persona he has crafted is a facade, as he is fearful of being sensitive. Upon his realization that “status” doesn’t matter when lives are in danger, Norval begins to reassess his priorities and become a more engaging hero.

‘Come to Daddy’ Was Inspired by Director Ant Timpson’s Real Father

The narrative of Come to Daddy becomes more complex upon the revelation that Brian is fleeing the criminals Jethro (Michael Smiley) and Dandy (Simon Chin) after a criminal enterprise goes south. However, Timpson began writing Come to Daddy after his real father died after collapsing from a heart attack. Timpson admitted that after seeing “strangers come, pay their respects,” he began thinking about “an alternate history to my father.” Timpson was not given the chance to avoid his grief, as he had to “spend a week with his corpse in a coffin in his house alone at night.” He said that “the whole process was cathartic and beautiful and creepy and sad,” and that he emerged from the situation “getting back into making films.”

The film ultimately became a story about an unusual father-son relationship, but Come to Daddy was also influenced by Timpson’s father's interests. Timpson revealed that his father had a passion for “gallows humor, crazy characters, British sensibility,” and that is certainly reflected in Come to Daddy. The film mines even the most violent of situations for comedic effect, incorporating eccentric supporting characters, and utilizing a dry wit that is reflective of old-fashioned British comedies.

‘Come to Daddy’ Shows the Inventiveness of Low-Budget Horror

Spectacle isn’t often necessary to make a good scare, as Come to Daddy utilizes its isolated location to its advantage. Condensing the entire story within just one location forces the characters to get inventive as they attempt to survive. Beyond the problem-solving element, the singular focus of Come to Daddy’s location adds more intimacy to Norval and Brian’s relationship. They’re forced to be in each others’ company for so long that they don’t have the opportunity to mask their emotions. By removing any larger context and refusing to show the outside world, Timpson shows the possibilities of low-budget cinema with Come to Daddy. Norval and Brian must survive only using the sparse materials in the cabin; the challenges that the film may have faced in production are ones that the characters face as well. The film feels more authentic and shocking, as both the filmmakers and characters are forced to get creative. With Timpson and Wood set to reunite on another horror film, it’s safe to say that Come to Daddy has the makings of a future cult classic.

Come to Daddy is streaming on Tubi in the U.S.

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