J.S. Gornael
About J.S. Gornael
J.S. Gornael has a BA in English with a Creative Writing Emphasis in Poetry and an MFA in Fiction. He has taken workshops in poetry, fiction, and non-fiction (though mostly the second). Half-cinephile, half-bookworm, he is both a TV/Movie List Writer for Collider and a book review editor for IndieReader. He occasionally writes reviews himself, and looks forward to finally getting several novels out of his head and onto paper (published or not).
His favorite movie is Apocalypse Now, and, for those who care, his favorite version of it is 2019's Apocalypse Now: Final Cut. Though he gave up trying to watch every episode of The Simpsons when he reached season 10, he still loves writing about it. Other shows he would like to write about more range from House to Avatar: The Last Airbender.?
Favorite Media
Depends on his mood. Sometimes prose fiction, sometimes film.
Industry Experience
J.S. Gornael has been composing TV/Movie List articles for Collider and writing/editing book reviews for IndieReader since July of 2023.

The 10 Best Characters in 'The Shawshank Redemption', Ranked
These characters show that prison is no fairy-tale world.

The 10 Best 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' Episodes, Ranked
Aang and friends' most incredible moments.

The 10 Best '90s Movies With Great Acting, Ranked
Some of the best performances in one of cinema's best decades.

The 15 Funniest Jim Carrey Movies, Ranked
These movies are ree-hee-hee-heally Jim Carrey's funniest.

The 15 Most Intelligent Characters in 'The Godfather' Trilogy, Ranked
"It's not personal, it's strictly business."

10 Reasons Why 'Last Week Tonight' Is the Best Late Night Show
John Oliver is arguably the current king of late night!

23 Thriller Movies That Are Perfect From Start to Finish
These movies keep you on the edge of your seat the whole way through.